Nikki Borchardt Campbell (Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah/Ute Indian Tribe)
Executive Director
National American Indian Court Judges Association
Nikki holds a JD degree and a Certificate in Indian Law from Arizona State University College of Law. Nikki also holds a B.A. and M.A. in Cultural and Social Anthropology from Stanford University where she graduated with honors. As an Attorney, Nikki has worked with all aspects of Indian law as well as civil litigation. Nikki’s current work entails strengthening and enhancing tribal judicial systems, including developing training and technical assistance for tribal judicial personnel, attorneys, and other organizations.
Ms. Campbell also serves on the Board of Directors for the Partnership for Native Children (PNC), a non-profit started by a group of motivated women from across Indian Country who were increasingly concerned with the intense media coverage of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and accompanying legal cases. She has also served on the Arizona State University Indian Legal Program Advisory Council since September 2018.
Ms. Campbell is married to Matthew Campbell (Y’upik) who is a staff attorney at the Native American Rights Fund, and she is the mother to Eli and Eloise.