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2016 NAICJA Award Nominations Now Open
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2016 NAICJA Award Nominations Now Open

The National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) Board of Directors is soliciting nominations for four (4) NAICJA awards: the Lifetime Achievement Award, the Judicial Excellence Award, the Court Support Excellence Award and the Outstanding Service Award.  Please use the 2016 NAICJA Award Nomination form that you can get by contacting Kevin Briscoe at kbriscoe@choctaw.org.  If a nomination was submitted in prior years and the nominator wishes for that prior nomination to be considered (and the person nominated continues to meet the award criteria), please contact NAICJA 1st Vice-President Kevin Briscoe at kbriscoe@choctaw.org or at (601) 650-1658.

Nominations close: August 19, 2016.

The awards will be announced and presented during the 47th National Tribal Judicial and Court Personnel Conference, October 19-21, 2016 at the Morongo Casino Resort & Spa, the crown jewel of beautiful Cabazon, California.

Established in 1969, NAICJA is non-profit 501(c)(3) membership organization of present and former tribal court judges, court personnel and other tribal justice system supporters from approximately 300 tribal courts throughout the United States. NAICJA provides support, continuing education and technical assistance to tribal justice systems and seeks to further public knowledge and understanding of tribal courts.

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